Brianna Vögeli
Quentlistrasse 40
8193 Eglisau
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Quelle: SwissAnwalt
From the alps to the city old towns, I love capturing proposals and engagement photos!
"Thank you so much!! These are absolutely beautiful. Sarah and I are crying just looking at them. Can’t wait to see the rest. You are amazing."
- Owen
Ich liebe es, natürliches Licht zu nutzen sowie kleine Details und ehrliche Momente einzufangen.
This is me! I find it always helps to put a face to a name. I'm Brianna and I would love to come along and photograph your engagement photos in Switzerland. I originally grew up in Canada before moving to Denmark in my early twenties, and finally settling here in Switzerland. I love connecting with other people who share this same love for the world. When I'm not out exploring Switzerland and capturing amazing moments, you can find me at home doing some editing and drinking a tea with milk.
First up: a phone or video call
Once you submit the contact form, we set up a call to chat and get to know each other! The first thing to decide is availability and the location. During the summer season weekends can be a bit tricky, but we can usually find a date during the week! Switzerland has so many amazing locations to choose from it can be a bit overwhelming. The Swiss Alps are definitely the most famous. And rightly so! They are beautiful. But Switzerland is also home to some amazing city locations such as Zurich or Luzern. I am always happy to share some galleries to get an idea on the location that works best with what you have in mind!
A personal touch
It's super important to me to make sure you have the proposal of your dreams! I love light, colour, and composing your portraits to provide that wow factor. But I also believe in capturing the emotions and in-between moments of the entire day. That little hand squeeze, amazing; the sweet cuddle while waiting for the gondola, love it. All those images really help in preserving how you felt during your engagement photos in Switzerland. In combination with the more styled images, I love to provide full galleries that are timelines and classic, and are sure to be just as loved in ten years as they are now.
Rain or shine
I know everyone is always worried about rain, it's honestly one of my most asked questions! I will always try to plan a back up scenario, but photos out in the rain always turn out so magical.
Get in touch